Paperd grooms his animals to socialize with people. After they leave the pouch he harbors them in his home for up to a year.
When you think of wallabies and kangaroos the first thing that comes to mind is Australia, "The Land Down Under." You don't have to travel that far, however, to see these marsupials, The Fall City Wallaby Ranch has 19.
Owned by Rex and Tawny Paperd, the Fall City Wallaby Ranch sits on 10-acres in the lush green Snoqualmie Valley in Fall City, Washington, 26 miles east of Seattle. Known by the Native Indian Tribes as "The Valley of the Moon" for the magnificent visual lunar displays, the Snoqualmie Valley is a beautiful green lowland bisected by the mighty Snoqualmie River and the Cascade Mountain Range. Paperd's location offers a loving home, acres of grassy wallaby and kangaroo playgrounds, two acres of aircraft parking, private access roads and seven acres of Equestrian paradise.
Rex Paperd's Wallaby Ranch has about 20 Wallabies and Kangaroos. They look very much alike but basically any breed that exceeds 45 pounds on average are considered Kangaroos and smaller ones are the Wallabies.
Visitors flying into the area also get a kangaroo fix from the air.
Wallabies and Kangaroos are loveable marsupials, found mainly in Austria and New Guinea. Fall City Wallaby Ranch isn't just a place where kids can see and pet the animals. Rex takes them to schools and share them with the developmentally disabled.
"We have gone through the trouble of shaping our property like a kangaroo. From the air the 3,000 ft. runway of the airport that we are one of the 30 owners of here becomes the feet and tail of the 22 acre kangaroo that is our property, so we essentially have 10 acres of property that is shaped liked the body of a kangaroo," explained Paperd.
The wallaby is an Australasian marsupial that is similar to, but smaller than a kangaroo. marsupial is a mammal that is born not completely developed and is typically carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother's belly. Marsupials are found mainly in Australia and New Guinea, although three families, including the opossums, live in America. Basically, any breed that exceeds 45 pounds on average, are considered kangaroo's and smaller ones are the wallabies.
The satisfaction of sharing his animals with others is really what it is all about for Paperd and his wife. Fall City Wallaby Ranch isn't just a place where kids can see and pet the animals. Rex and his wife do what they do out of love and the affection and good things their animals bring to others, especially kids and the developmentally disabled.
"It's our way of giving back to the world and sharing some of the joys we received. We consider ourselves blessed. Almost all of our babies are sold over our website. We don't use the kangaroo farm as a business to pay our bills, the honest truth is it is not for profit or we would be selling a lot more babies," said Paperd.
People who come there to experience, touch and feed them, are often overcome with emotion. They also do programs for The Make A Wish Foundation and fundraisers for the American Cancer Society which once raised $500 for a person to have his photo taken with a kangaroo. He has been told that Cancer Society contributions escalated $20,000 by using kangaroos in their fundraising events.
"It is incredible and the most fun I have had in my life. It's a joy, there's rarely a tour where I don't wipe tears from my eyes. You see things that make you want to see more,"said Paperd.
He grooms his animals to socialize with people. After they leave the pouch he harbors them in his home for up to a year to turn them into little humans. He takes them with him everywhere including on his tractor mowing lawns and even has a kangaroo flying with him on his airplane.
Paperd decided two years ago he wanted to put some functional doors on his airplane hangars, so he contacted Schweiss Doors and put in an order for two 46 x12 ft. bifold doors.
Unlike most Schweiss door owners who utilize conventional electricity to open and close their doors, the Schweiss Bifold Liftstrap Doors at The Wallaby Ranch which are affixed to two airplane hangars run on power supplied by large gas generators. One of his hangars houses a Piper Aztec 6-passenger twin and he uses the other hangar to store five collector vehicles.
As a pilot, Paperd has spent a lot of time going in and out of airplane hangars and says Schweiss Bifold Doors are the way to go because they open big and wide.
"We use very little power. The large generators work perfectly well, and I have to say the Schweiss folks really worked with us on this and a little bit of tweaking to get our program to work. The straps are a better deal in all regards, they are quicker to lift and quieter," added Paperd.
His familiarization with Schweiss Doors came from his five years as a chief flight instructor in Seattle.
"I spent a lot of time going in and out of airplane hangars and Schweiss Bifold Doors to me are the way to go - they open big and wide. With Schweiss Bifold doors you can park your car or airplane much closer to the doors. Schweiss doors, installation through use, are smarter and smoother," said Paperd. Speaking of installation, Paperd said he nearly did it by himself.
"It was really very simple. I installed those two doors, one-a-day over a period of two days with about a half a helper. It was the easiest thing you could do. People are usually daunted by size - just get a big piece of equipment and put it up."
He now has 19 wallabies and kangaroos on feet and another 8 waiting to hit the ground when they leave the pouch. The kangaroos and wallabies really are pretty much self sufficient - they are grazing animals and Paperd supplements their diet with a couple of cups of vitamin-rich kangaroo feed each day. That supplement is a pellet form combination of corn, oats and barley and he buys about 2,500 pounds per year.
Like you might expect, Paperd got his first animal as a pet and from there his Marsupial family grew.
Installation of the two 46-12 ft. Schweiss Bi-Fold doors was done by Paperd. "It was really very simple. I install those two doors, one-a-day over a period of two days with the help of about half-helper." said Paperd.
"We showed a couple we had as pets for a first-grade class. The teachers in the school where our children went to school went wild," said Paperd. The Snoqualmie School District asked us to do educational programs for all their first grade classrooms every year. It kind of went from there.
Paperd decided to go with Schweiss patented lift straps instead of cables on his bi-fold doors. He said they are "smarter and smoother" and bi-fold doors allow him to park his car or airplane much closer to the doors.
Since then they produced a website and the world went wild with photos they provided.
Two books have been published in Australia with a third book coming out next year. They've shared photos of a red kangaroo, as it grew, to the world via their website which has resulted in 6,000 communicated hits from many countries. A Scottish medical school uses his embryotic photographs to compare with human embryotic growth. The Detroit Zoo provides a Wallaby Ranch handout for their nature walk tours. Slide show tours are provided for people to observe babies as they grow in the pouches.
If you mention anything about the boxing talents of kangaroos that have been seen on TV, Paperd gets his dander up.
A young Kangaroo, known as a "Joey" looks comfortable in his mother's pouch. Slide show tours are provided for people to observe babies as they grow in the pouches.
"I absolutely hate it when they use animals that way. They don't really box, they wrestle and play. As far as the animals we have, I can tell you this, we pride ourselves on the quality of the temperament of our animals and that includes every single one of them up to our 7-foot tall, 200 pound Jasper. Without advertising we have a couple thousand visitors to the farm every year that do tours here that bring elderly and developmentally delayed groups. Our animals are always very gentle."
With names like "Trillion Kisses," "Vanilla," "Eros" (God of Love), and "Velvi Roo," how could you think otherwise.
The Paperd's are USDA Licensed Breeders of top quality Gray and Albino Bennetts Wallabies and Red Kangaroos. The ranch also provides educational tours and private educational programs and group tours. They can bring a wallaby to school classrooms, private parties, senior centers, charity benefits or gatherings.
A young wallaby sells anywhere from $1,200 for a gray boy to $3,500 for an albino female. Kangaroos sell for $1,500 for a boy to $3,500 for a girl.
"We commonly keep a baby wallaby with us when we have one growing up at our home and will gladly allow you to hold the little bundle of Joey," said Rex. Spring time tours typically include opportunities to see baby Joeys popping in and out of mom's pouch and we can often open mom's pouch and let you peek at the tiniest of our infant's."
The Macropods (kangaroos and wallabies) grow in mom's pouch from the size of a bean on the day of birth to maturity.
After they reach a certain age, adoption is another option. He keeps his herd about the same size each year, by putting up to 10 young, six-month or so, Joeys up for adoption to qualified homes between January and June.
There are also a number of non-Macropod members of the Paperd animal family. They own a young Morgan Gelding named "Baby" and "Caleb" an Arabian gelding, which Rex calls, a sports car among horses. Then there's "Iggy," a Common Iguana which measures over four feet in length, "Sugar Bear" a Kinkajou, native to Central and South America, and "Caesar" the house guardian "angel dog" whose patience with baby roos is endless.
So, if one of these days you are flying over Snoqualmie Valley and you see what looks like a large kangaroo-shaped parcel of land, drop down and visit The Fall City Wallaby Ranch. While you are at it, ask Rex if you can see the hangars he built with Schweiss Bifold Liftstrap doors on them.
For more information about The Fall City Wallaby Ranch, visit their website at:
An albino Wallaby peeks out of its mothers pouch. After they reach a certain age, most all of the youngsters are sold to others over Paperd's website.
Wallabies and Kangaroos are loveable marsupials, found mainly in Australia and New Guinea. Fall City Wallaby Ranch isn't just a place where kids can see and pet the animals. Rex and his wife take them to schools and share them with the developmentally disabled.
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Washington Wallaby Ranch chooses Schweiss doors for its hangars
When you think of wallabies and kangaroos the first thing that comes to mind is Australia, "The Land Down Under." You don't have to travel that far, however, to see these marsupials, The Fall City Wallaby Ranch has 19. |
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Kansas farmers Mancave has room for dragstrip racing cars and more
The term "mancave" has in recent times entered the American vernacular. It refers to a place where the guys can get together, lay back and talk about whatever is on their minds and solve the world problems and such over a cold one or two. Mancaves seem to be quite popular amongst football fans. |
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Schweiss Doors installs 132 liftstrap Bifold T-Hangar doors for Bult Airfield
Only about 30 miles due south of downtown Chicago and surrounded by fields of corn, soybeans, wildlife habitat and even a few tree farms sits one of the newer and more intriguing airfields in America. Called Bult Field Airport and identified as C56, this country airport however dates back to 1942 when Paul Sanger, a Monee, Illinois aviation enthusiast started his 'grass strip' air field three nautical miles southeast of town. |
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Napa Valley Winery puts Schweiss doors to special use
That's how Opus One building's architect, Scott Johnson, described this California Napa Valley winery located between St. Helena and Napa, almost straight north of San Francisco, California. Johnson was part of the design team behind the whole footprint of the Opus One building expansion. The suggestion and actual design of the unique Schweiss bifold and hydraulic doors was recommended by Wayne Leong, of Leong Architectural firm in St Helena, CA. |
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Prestige Contractors of Canada is newest Schweiss Doors distributer
Most every contractor at heart wants to do the best job for their customer. Sometimes that means going above and beyond the call and at other times being able to offer the best product for them. |
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Large Schweiss Bifold Liftstrap door perfectly fits farmshop needs
There's nothing cheap about building anymore but this project turned out wonderfully. The Schweiss door fits perfectly. We dressed up the shop and office area with some window shutter trim. Structural Building out of Becker, MN was the contractor and they did a great job |
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Inadequate experience with another company leads farmer to Schweiss Doors
It was a 70 ft. hydraulic door, very lightly built, it came in two sections that didn't meet together when they put it together. It showed up bent, and when raised it would bend, very poor weld quality, with welds missing in places. It was a piece of crap, I've never seen something so poor, there was no engineering done on it. There was no quality control. |
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Schweiss Red Power Pumps are a jump above the rest
Jumping over the best |
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RiverEdge Park & Music Garden orders Schweiss Doors for new Illinois project
RiverEdge Park and Music Garden is a venue that not many people in the United States have heard of yet, but they will. It is becoming the centerpiece in a 10-year master plan for the city of Aurora, Illinois, that state's second largest city with a population of close to 200,000 people, making it the 112th largest city in the United States. Aurora is located about 45 miles west of Chicago and is accessible by commuter train from there. |
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Schweiss has truckloads of top quality doors leaving the factory each week
Since Introducing "Red Power" Hydraulic Doors to the market this Spring, sales of Schweiss Hydraulic Doors have escalated, and as a result truckload-after-truckload of ready to assemble doors have been moving out to destinations within all corners of the United States and other locations around the globe. |
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Sharp looking farm shop features office space and large hydraulic door
This eye catching farm shop is indeed a beautiful facility. All four exterior steel walls are white, however red is the accent color around the edges of this big hydraulic door, all windows in the door, plus other access doors into this incredible building. |
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Taxi-through hangar speeds crop work for big time spraying operation
Twenty-seven years as an aerial applicator provides an historical perspective each spring for Rich Sigurdson, Olivia, MN. For cantankerous 2011 he simply responded,"This spring brought in a little more work than normal. This is the latest for putting crops in the ground since I've been in the business. |
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Huge Army tanks and track vehicles pass through Ft. Carson liftstrap bifold doors
Getting 146 doors installed at one location speaks rather strongly about the quality and reliability of your door provider. But that's the current scorecard of Schweiss BiFold doors at Fort Carson, Colorado (Colorado Springs) where Mortenson Construction (Denver branch) has an ongoing contract with the U.S. Army for the construction of special heated maintenance shops called TEMFs (Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities). This means structures big enough for Army tanks and other special military tactical vehicles. |
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Electrical engineer researches and chooses 40 ft. Hydraulic Hangar Door
I researched over a year what I wanted to do. I met Dave Schweiss at the Florida 'Fun in the Sun' air show and both Dave and Mike at the big Oshgosh, WS show. After meeting the guys and looking more closely at their product the choice was obvious. It simply was the best fit, the best design, the best door and in terms of value, the best deal. |
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Fagen WWII museum purchases multiple large Schweiss Liftstrap Bifold Hangar Doors
Here are some shots of Fagen's warbirds. All mighty nice, mint condition airplanes! Just one of many unique planes that will be on display in the New Fagen Museum. It'll be the hot spot in Granite Falls, Minnesota to see some of the most beautiful Flying machines imaginable. |
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Fast opening Schweiss hydraulic heated shop doors were just what this farmer needed
Obviously a guy doesn't spend several thousand dollars for a big hydraulic door because it opens and closes in 37 seconds. But surprisingly 'door speed' is a bit of a factor, at least for Terry Albright, Renville County farmer who also runs a fleet of 'over the road' semi rigs. |
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New 75 ft. Ohio farm shop has Schweiss hydraulic door with special lighting
A slick, new 75' x 80' farm shop with special lighting, in-floor heating, a huge 40' door and a burgundy and beige color scheme is getting all sorts of attention on the farm of John Dulin, Kenton, Ohio. "The contractor that sold me the building has people coming here every week it seems to check out the building and especially that big hydraulic door. So it's a real treat for me and my farming partner son Dana, to show them the works," explained Dulin, who is also maintenance manager for six school buses in their local special education district. |
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Wayzata resident loves his worry free liftstrap garage door conversion
Two bifold doors were on his Wayzata, Minn. home when he and his wife, Nancy, purchased it from a previous owner several years ago. He referred to the doors as "a bonus and attractive feature" and believed the architect chose the bifold style of doors for aesthetic reasons. |
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Carriage House helicopter hangar is very likely the most unique in America!
The Carriage House on the lakeshore property of Sid Morris, Cornelius, NC is very likely the most unique in America! It doesn't house horses and horse buggies. It doesn't house antique autos. Instead it houses his R44 helicopter. And that chopper gets to the Carriage House by first landing on a helio pad on the end of his 200' dock. A small electrically driven dolly then gently lifts the chopper with operator then guiding the chopper to its proper stall inside this remarkable 4-star carriage house. |
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Artists architectural glass door was perfect for Martha's Vineyard studio and guest house
At 27 years of age, film maker/artist/author Travis Wood appears to be adding architectural design to his intriguing resume. Evidence of this new dimension is a most unique structure, a combination studio/guest house that he and his father are constructing on their vacation property on Martha's Vineyard, hugging the south shore of Massachusetts. |
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Funky Brooklyn Store Front Perforated Steel Bifold Doors add touch of class and security
Hugging the southwest corner of Long Island, New York, Brooklyn's earlier identity was mostly hitched to Coney Island beach and the Brooklyn Dodgers of baseball immortality. Today the city is enjoying a renaissance of rediscovery by artists, retailers, ambitious contractors and creative landscapers including the Andre Kikoski Architect firm which just wrapped up the complete renovation of two empty, abandoned warehouse buildings on 22-28 Wyckoff Ave. |
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Multiple stores and doors are key to Arnold Company farm implement business expansion
Consolidation is that aggressive word which has been enveloping agricultural business for several years now. In simple terms, it results in fewer but bigger. And that certainly is the recent history of the farm implement business, which used to pride itself on having eight, 10, even 12 or more dealerships per county. Today three or four farm equipment dealers per county is more the usual. But ownership of farm implement stores today often includes multiple locations throughout an entire state. |
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Former Alaskan has Bifold hangar doors for fishing and flying from private airstrip
Flying since he got the bug when working the fishing canaries in Alaska, Eric Hutchins, Grand Rapids, MN, has a rather diversified agenda these days. For example he runs a year-round Dairy Queen in this bustling tourist center town. He also does some part-time law enforcement work and occasionally flies fire detection with the MN DNR. When time permits, high on his agenda is getting together with his snowmobile buddies for a few miles through the beautiful lake and woodland country of Itasca County. |
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Large 108 ft. Schweiss Bifold Strap Door is finishing touch for hangar renovation
In September of 2009, we started the rehabilitation of Hanger 155 at Chippewa County International Airport in Kincheloe, MI. Our first step was to remove 60 years worth of lead paint from the existing steel substructure and miles of asbestos-containing material. When the building was safe to work in, our demolition subcontractor started on the roof system. |
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Midwest John Deere dealership and store installs a Schweiss One-Piece Door
It's big, 43,500 square feet. It has a special floral display unit out front courtesy of the employees and the general contractor. You walk into an 'eye catching' 100' x 160' 'Consumer Display' section complete with a 10' high shelf showcasing various John Deere 'consumer goods'. And greeting you at the retail counter is a colorful prairie scene with an old country barn, woodlots, fields of corn and wheat plus a depiction of the original 1-bottom plow that launched the John Deere machinery company. A show place of sorts? Yes, indeed. |
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Classic Florida hangar home Schweiss wall/porch door is drawing national attention
Well, it's all of the above for 62-year-old Daniel Shaw, a plumbing contractor at Geneva, Fla. Who has given new meaning to the term "hangar home." The structure is 50' wide x 60' deep x 30' tall, all metal/ However, a 45' x 15' Schweiss hydraulic door sporting a wrap-around porch with decorator railing, table and chairs, a "walk through" door with stylish window, and veranda "roof" gets your attention. |
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Schweiss doors open things up at the Renville County Fair
Schweiss Hydraulic and Bifold Doors recently installed four new hydraulic doors at the Renville County Fairgrounds located in Bird Island, MN. The Renville County Board approached Schweiss looking for a way to open up the event building located at the county's fairgrounds. The event building is used to host live bands, beer gardens and public auctions by Henslin Auction Services. Hydraulic doors seemed like the perfect solution to open up the building and allow easy access to the building for large groups of people. |
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Minnesota Implement dealership spike in business calls for new facility liftstrap bifold doors
We're no longer just selling iron. Today we're selling precision farming products and that requires special training of both our personnel and our farm customers," says Paal Haug, general manager of Haug Implement with stores at Willmar and Litchfield |
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Radiation-shielded Bifold Door designed specially for industrial x-ray system firm
The creativity of customers continues to be a driving force for many manufacturers. Take for example North Star Imaging, Inc., a Rogers, Minnesota manufacturer of industrial x-ray systems which are enclosed by a radiation shielding cabinet and access door and used by manufacturing firms in the aerospace, military, automotive, medical device, electronics, even the genetic seed industry and many more. |
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Stylish North Carolina Target store Bifold gates serve dual purposes
How do you make the loading dock area for your store secure, yet still easily accessible and stylish? This Target store in North Carolina found the answer with two 39' x 17' bifold gates for their loading area. Give us your idea and we will get you the door. |
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Unique Schweiss Bifold roof-door designed for East Coast sandblasting chamber
What looked like a near impossible situation without some totally new engineering design instead turned out to be a remarkable solution to an extreme challenge. The challenge? How to fit a "roof door" over a 20' by 30' sandblasting chamber used by SMS Millcraft, Oil City, PA. This firm specializes in refurbishing component parts for various Pennsylvania steel mills. |
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Farm Air spraying operation relocates and builds new hangar with 76 ft. hydraulic door
It is rare that an Air Tractor dealership changes hands. It cant be done without an approval from Air Tractor, Inc. This requirement became all too apparent to Bill Taylor of Farm Air in Fairfield Illinois. Bill was starting to think about retiring from the business he formed in 1976. Shortly after forming Farm Air, Bill saw a need for Air Tractors in the Midwest, and approached Air Tractor about becoming a dealer. Over thirty successful years later, Bill decided it was time to sell Farm Air with its Air Tractor dealership intact. |
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TGIF puts custom-made Schweiss Bifold glass doors on patio bar
This custom set of Schweiss Bifold Doors was the perfect solution to provide a unique dining experience for this restaurant's patio bar customers. |