Different Mounting Styles for each door...
You need to understand how each door get s mounted to obtain the "Same Clear Opening."
Does the door get mounted "Above" or "Below" the building header?
- Hydraulic doors typically mount "Under" the building header... Sacrificing valuable headroom.
80% of all hydraulic doors are flush mounted under the building header giving you a cleaner look!
- Bifold doors mount "Above" the building header... "0" ... No loss of headroom!
Distance above the header varies with each size door.
90% of all bifold doors attach above the clear opening for more clearance!
Which Door Style Requires Less building support?
- Hydraulic doors form a canopy when in the open position hanging straight out off the building!
Lifted by two powerful cylinders exerting forces onto the door subframe and building structure.
- Bifold doors fold in the center when opening... hanging out half the distance!
Multiple lift straps spaced evenly throughout the entire width of the doorframe distribute the door weight
evenly onto the building structure.
Schweiss provides Specification Sheets that clearly state the forces of each style door so your building
engineer / designer will work with actual door loads to structurally design the best building!