What’s new, and what’s better at Schweiss Doors?
It pays to keep an eye on what’s happening at Schweiss Doors, we’re always working on things we can do to improve our product.
For instance, are you aware that our powerful Schweiss hydraulic one-piece doors now come with a new, compact hydraulic pump unit that can be mounted anywhere, top-hung, underhung or mounted on your wall, floor, or in a back room? Your control station is always near your door for safe operation. The new Schweiss powerful pump system has the most efficient pump on the market.
Schweiss hydraulic doors also are the only door in the industry to utilize spherical bearings at each end of the bigger, better, safer cylinders. Why, because they offer less stress to your building and hydraulic cylinders. They extend the life of your door. Spherical bearings are important wherever there is rotational motion as in a moving doorframe that is raised with hydraulic cylinders.
Our hydraulic doors have three backup systems available: DC Battery-Motorized, Drill-Driven or with a standard tractor fitting to lift your door. Emergency door lowering is simple as turning a screw on the pump if there’s a power outage, and they cost no more than pumps used by other manufacturers.
Motors that are undersized get hot when operating and there is a good chance the motor will burn out. You don’t have to worry about that with a quality LEESON motor that Schweiss Doors uses on all its hydraulic doors. We use electronics designed for large moving doors.
Schweiss hydraulic doorframes have double end-hinges and more hinges per door, which means they don’t have to support as much weight and add strength. Our larger hinge pins are easy to replace, will last forever and are safer.
Unlike other doors on the market, Schweiss hydraulic Red Power doors are self-contained on their own subframe. Designed to adapt to any type of building, each door comes delivered pre-hung with its own frame, pre-assembled, pre-welded, and your building doesn’t need to be made taller. Schweiss uses all steel members and more steel cross members, giving support where it is needed. It also gives you more room for insulation. Schweiss will never use C-Channels or Tec screws to support a 1,000 lb. door.

For over 30 years, Schweiss Doors has led the nation in hydraulic and bifold door design and we’re always looking for ways to improve our custom-made doors.
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