New Schweiss liftstrap conversion kit now available for your tired old hangar door

Other than aircraft owners who need bifold or hydraulic doors for their new or existing hangars, the next most frequent request that Schweiss Doors receives is from hangar owners who want to upgrade their doors with a Schweiss Bifold liftstrap retrofit conversion to replace outdated cable-lift systems. A majority of these requests are for doors […]
(more...)Schweiss Liftstrap doors have revolutionized the Bifold door industry

Customers are asking for the power operated patented liftstrap Schweiss Bifold Doors and Schweiss will do strap conversions on other brand bifold doors, no matter the make or model. When you order a Schweiss Liftstrap Bifold Door, you will not have to worry about non-operating cables or pulleys. Straps wrap on top of themselves as […]
(more...)Schweiss Bi-Fold Lift Strap / Auto-Latch Doors are cornering the worldwide market

The popular Bi-fold door, produced by Schweiss Doors of Fairfax, Minnesota, USA has been on the market for over 35 years. What some people don’t know is that they’ve evolved with the times and many improvements and safety factors have gone into them. The most obvious and ‘market shaking’ improvement was the addition of the […]