Schweiss is the choice for military, museum and search and rescue hangar doors

When the call goes out to leave the hangar, military and search and rescue teams get right on it, there’s no room for delay. That calls for a dependable, fast operating hangar door — nothing else will do. Schweiss Doors has been specializing in large one-piece hydraulic doors and lift strap bifold hangar and military maintenance shop […]
(more...)Schweiss Doors Europe to attend Sywell Aerodrome Aero Expo UK

Schweiss Doors Europe takes the aeronautical hangar business seriously. They prove it every month as they produce and ship out hundreds of Schweiss Hi-Swing hydraulic and Straplift Bifold doors to the entire European aero industry worldwide. Doors for aeronautical hangars are a booming business and Schweiss Doors Europe has been able to keep ahead of […]