Schweiss is the choice for military, museum and search and rescue hangar doors

Schweiss Doors provided 146 bifold doors for the U.S. Army maintenance hangars at Ft. Carson, Colorado.
When the call goes out to leave the hangar, military and search and rescue teams get right on it, there’s no room for delay. That calls for a dependable, fast operating hangar door — nothing else will do.
Schweiss Doors has been specializing in large one-piece hydraulic doors and lift strap bifold hangar and military maintenance shop doors for years and ships and installs them all over the world. Repeat business from the military, offshore helicopter and other search and rescue groups shows that they have faith in Schweiss Doors dependability.
U.S. Army hangars at Fort Carson, Colorado is a prime example. They called on Schweiss Doors to install 146 bifold doors at one location. Many of these doors were installed in heated Tactical Equipment Maintenance shops (TEMFs). In addition to aircraft, this also meant doors big enough for Army Tanks and other special military tactical vehicles.
Army personnel were noticing that the traditional roller-shutter doors they were using created some issues like clashing with an overhead crane which is often a necessary component due to the size and bulk of Army vehicles and aircraft. Other factors which led the Army to choose Schweiss Doors were lighting and blast resistance issues. They found the Schweiss Bifold door would do the best job and present no interior obstructions with no loss of headroom.
Special windows and translucent paneling with enough strength to withstand the “blast load” criteria was designed for these heavy-duty doors. This is now standard procedure for terrorist attack prevention at all military installations.
They also liked the fact that the bifold doors when opened provided additional protection from weather elements, offering shade and rain and snow runoff. Schweiss Doors are renowned for durability in high cycle use and high winds and weather are no issue for buildings which require tall sturdy windrated and reinforced doors.

This Granite Falls, Minnesota Fagen WWII museum hangar has a 70 x 18′ Schweiss Bifold Door that uses lift straps and the door is wind loaded for 190 mph.
As a tribute to his father who participated in the D-Day landings at Normandy, France, Ron Fagen of Granite Falls, Minnesota built an 18,000 square foot museum measuring 90 feet wide, 200 feet long and 28 feet tall to hangar several expensive and rare military aircraft and artifacts. Schweiss Doors was his first and only choice to put a 70×18 foot 190 mph windrated door on this large hangar. Weighing 22,000 lbs. with special steel sheeting, insulation and 20 patented liftstraps, the three 5 h.p. electric motors lift this bifold autolatchdoor as easily as a conventional garage door.
Fagen has purchased several Schweiss hangar doors and said the first hangar door he ever bought was a Schweiss door, and it will be the only door he will ever buy.
Schweiss hydraulic doors have been installed and retrofitted to replace inferior or outdated doors at many military bases as well. In critical environments, less moving parts usually means greater ease of use, less cost of ownership, lower in-service life costs and ease of local repair.
The process of replacing these doors is rather simple because Schweiss hydraulic doors are prehung and can be easily affixed to the existing building or hangar columns. What might have required constructing a entire new hangar is now a cost-saving measure to rejuvenate an old structure for maximum utilization of space. An obsolete hangar door shouldn’t have to mean an obsolete hangar. With military budgets around the world becoming leaner and with higher sensitivity to reuse and maintenance rather than large, expensive procurement programs, the idea of retrofitting with a Schweiss hydraulic or liftstrap bifold door makes very good economic sense and can save taxpayers many dollars.
Dust and dirt is a constant enemy to buildings, hangars and doors in the aviation industry. The beefed up Schweiss hydraulic cylinders and liftstraps make Schweiss doors weathertight, especially in wind-borne and desert environments. Hangars with large spaces to heat or cool require a well sealing door to maintain the temperature and save in utility costs.
Schweiss Doors will go out of their way to accept, engineer and deliver all special custom door requests, ranging from unique cladding options such as camouflaging to strengthening for blast attack.
Replacing old worn out existing doors with a Schweiss door adds, power, simplicity, strength, value to your hangar or building and efficiency to your existing structure. They are easy to install, seal tightly, are easy to retrofit and have less moving parts than most other doors on the market. Schweiss custom made doors can fit any size building; steel, wood, block or tensile stuctures.
Schweiss doors are everywhere. You can see them on hangars, grain storage facilities, biomass waste transfer buildings, crane lift operations, medical facilities, rendering plants, railway doors, chemical storage units, X-Ray labs, industrial, commercial, residential and designer door applications, the list is endless. Schweiss doors are versatile and built to last.
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