Schweiss is a leading North American door manufacturer

North America covers a big land mass from far north Canada, Alaska and Greenland to as far south as Mexico and Costa Rica. This Schweiss hydraulic door, when open, gives a scenic glimpse of a mountain range.
When you mention “North America” many people are under the presumption that includes only the northern tier states of the United States. The actual definition of North America is the continent comprising the northern half of the American landmass, connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama. It contains Canada, the U.S., Mexico, the countries of Central America and usually Greenland.
That’s exactly where you’ll find Schweiss hydraulic and bifold liftstrap doors located. Our doors are sold all over North America and beyond for that matter. North Americans are particular about what they spend their money on, and they know that an investment in a low maintenance quality made Schweiss door will pay off with benefits in the years to follow.
Whether it’s a Schweiss hydraulic door used on a large corporate airport hangar in Mexico or Costa Rica or a bifold liftstrap door as far north as Alaska, Canada or Greenland, Schweiss doors stand up to the test of weather and constant use in all climates, hot or extremely cold, where winds are strong enough to blow a ship across the ocean in no time flat. Whether you need hydraulic or bifold doors for aircraft hangars, farm and ranch doors, industrial doors, crane doors, military doors, riding arena doors, hotel and restaurant doors, doors for commercial use, residential doors, boathouse doors, garage doors, patio and pool doors, designer doors or whatever. If you’re in the market for a sturdy hydraulic one-piece door, or Schweiss’s premier bifold liftstrap door, before you try the rest, check into the best. That can only mean a Schweiss Door, the door leader, no matter what country or continent you live in.

You can’t get much further south in North America than Costa Rica where this Schweiss bifold liftstrap door was placed on a quonset hangar used for an Ultra-Light sightseeing business.
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