Schweiss introduces new line of hydraulic grain storage doors
It stands tall, nearly 40′ to the roof line. It’s big, like 120′ x 200′. Concrete walls standing 16′ tall wrap all four sides of this huge structure. And it holds nearly one million bushels of corn. We’re talking about the huge feed storage structure at Revier Cattle Company, a beef operation with feedlot capacity of about 16,000 head. But what makes this feed storage facility especially unique are a new line of Schweiss hydraulic one-piece steel hydraulic doors, each 15′ 6″ wide and 15′ tall and positioned at both ends of this feed storage structure.
So why these big and very sturdy hydraulic doors? General Manager and farmer, Tom Revier, simply said, “These doors provide containment for the grain without any loss of space, plus once we get enough grain out of either end of the structure, we can then drive in with our power scoops to load directly into our feeding wagons.”
Bunker walls are the usual solution to containment of grain in horizontal flat storage. But big bunkers take up space, and aren’t always easily moved. Schweiss hydraulic doors to the rescue.

Schweiss hydraulic pump units can be top or bottom mounted anywhere within any building or aircraft hangar. The heavy-duty cylinders with spherical bearings provide a weathertight seal and open the one piece doors quickly and quietly.
Constructed with 3/4-inch steel welded into a framework of 8-inch beams, each door weighs 2500 lbs. Yes, it does take ‘oversize’ pistons to lift such a heavy door so Schweiss’s engineers sized both the pistons and hydraulic pumps larger with their “New” hydraulic pump system!
To make certain there is zero leakage with several thousand pounds of shelled corn piled against the doors, four 6-inch long steel pegs drop into the concrete footing at the bottom edge plus two steel pegs on each edge lock into the steel I-beam framework of each door. Each hydraulic door also has a 54″ wide x 44″ tall steel slider which lets the grain pour out for augering into the feeding trucks. Once enough grain has been emptied out the big hydraulic door it can then be safely opened and a front-end loader goes to work.
What generated this ‘first’ for a Schweiss hydraulic door? “We had a need,” explained Revier and his first call was to Schweiss Doors.
“Both Mike and Dave Schweiss came out. They quickly saw a heavy-duty hydraulic door would work in this situation. They took measurements, designed both the I-beam frame to support the doors, plus the extra heavy steel and framework for the doors.
“I think many country elevators using flat storage could use this idea. No moving bunker walls and easy access once you open the doors. No grain loss, no storage loss. It’s perfect,” summed up Revier.
These Schweiss Hydraulic Doors are the first of a new line of doors built and designed specifically for grain / corn storage. Why use a regular bunker wall when a moving hydraulic door can do the same job and save you time and add security to your building.
With thousands of dollars worth of crops, grain or feed at stake these hydraulic doors are the perfect solution to keep your product safe and keep the weather out. To support the forces of grain against this door takes a super strong design, the Schweiss design does just that.

The Schweiss hydraulic feedlot grain storage door is stronger than the concrete walls surrounding it. These doors with heavy steel framework provide containment for one million bushels of corn or grain without any loss of space or grain spoilage.
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