Schweiss door installation is so easy even you can do it

Schweiss hydraulic and bifold doors can be easy to install yourself if you have the right equipment and can read easy to follow step-by step directions. Schweiss can also provide factory installers to put up your door or provide an on-site supervisor.
A good percentage of our customers ordering Schweiss hydraulic and bifold doors for their hangars, industrial, residential, commercial or agricultural use prefer to do the installation themselves. This saves them money and mileage costs. If you can read the full set of detailed instructions provided from the factory for each style of door, it is a easy task to perform.
Another option that Schweiss Doors provides is to have an on-site supervisor to help you with assembly and installation of your door. This also saves you money and ensures proper installation.
Schweiss Doors can provide a qualified representative to perform startup services and to train owners and maintenance personnel to test and adjust controls and safety items, inspect operating hardware items or train owners and maintenance personnel at your site on procedures and schedules related to startup and shutdown, servicing and preventative maintenance techniques.
You can be assured that Schweiss Doors offers the lowest shipping rates in the industry. All materials and products are delivered in manufacturer’s labeled protective packages. The doors are delivered to your site on our own company flatbed semi’s or we can also ship common carrier, or in the case of delivery overseas, that can also be all arranged from factory to customer. We try to make it easy as possible for everybody.
To make absolutely certain that the Schweiss door you order will fit your clear opening perfectly we provide door weights, loading, hinge locations and virtually every fine detail you’ll need. We encourage questions from our customers and have qualified factory installers on hand that can help you over the phone if needed.

Most Schweiss hydraulic one-piece doors and bifold liftstrap doors can be installed in a days time. Installing these doors yourself saves you money and doors can be shipped directly to your building site from the Schweiss Doors factory.
Here’s what some of our customers said about Schweiss doors that they
decided to install by themselves . . .
“Installing your door was a piece of cake. All we had to do was follow the instructions. If you can read, you can do it. We had our large hydraulic machine shop door up and operating in less than a day. By the next day I was back on my tractor and doing what I was supposed to be doing.”
“I was a little reluctant about installing my own door, but after talking on the phone with your Schweiss installer and looking at installation instructions on your website, I decided to do it myself. It saved me some cash and I had the satisfaction of knowing I did something I didn’t think I could do. Even my wife was impressed. I love my hangar door.”
“Everything from A to Z was outlined in the Schweiss picture-illustrated instructions which you provided with my bifold door. With the help of a friend of mine who had his own forklift, we had our door up and running in less than a day. It was so easy my grandma could have done it.”
“It was a great help for me to be able to give plumbing and electrical schematics to our local contractors for my hydraulic door. My local electrician told me he wished everyone could provide such detailed and easy to understand instructions for all the jobs they do. Schweiss knows what they are doing, you guys made the job easy and trouble free. I’d recommend you to anyone, and I have already have. My brother-in-law just ordered one of your bifold glass liftstrap doors for his car dealership.”
“At first I was a little reluctant about replacing my old underpowered pump with Schweiss’s new hydraulic pump. After all, my door wasn’t a Schweiss Door. I called your factory and they treated me like I was a customer of yours for years. Once I got the pump, I installed it myself. I only had one question to ask them about it and a quick call to your people fixed that. My door lifts so much smoother and opens and closes faster than the pump that came on it from the other company when I got the door a few years ago, and what I like about it now is it doesn’t squeal like my old pump. Now I only wish I had ordered a Schweiss door from you in the first place. If the quality of your doors is anything like your new pump, I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I’m going to be needing three doors for our new industrial cold storage building this spring and you can count on me to give you an order for that. Thanks Schweiss!”
“You know how you sometimes order things by mail and when they arrive you see that they don’t look anything like the picture, how they describe it, or the parts are cheap and chincy. Schweiss Doors are made in America and I highly appreciate the fact that what you advertise is what you get. There’s nothing cheap about your door. We easily installed our own bifold garage doors and they look great, and what’s more important, they work great. Sure glad I decided to do business with you.”
“Mike, Just had to pass this on to you. You’ll get a kick out of it. I have one of those ‘know-it-all’ neighbors who thinks everything he has or does is always better than the next guy. He’s got a hangar home for his Citabria with a rickety bifold door supplied by another manufacturer. When I installed your door on my hangar home I couldn’t wait for him to come over and snoop and ask me about it. When he saw my Schweiss one-piece hydraulic door he was speechless, very rare for him. I did manage to remind him that I saved a bunch of cash by going with you guys and installing the door myself. I gloatingly rubbed it in that my door was better than his and when I told him what I paid for it, the smile went off his face. He wouldn’t admit he paid more, but I could tell. You guys made my day!”
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