Schweiss military doors are built Marine tough - 6
When it comes to the military, the government knows what it wants. Just like the strong and reliable forces that protect our country they want a military use door to be equally tough and able to stand up to the challenge. Therefore Schweiss tried and true hydraulic and bifold doors more than often stand up to their stringent requirements.
Take for instance, the U.S. Army who ordered 146 American-made maintenance shop doors from Schweiss Doors. They needed bifold doors big enough for Army tanks and other special military tactical vehicles. Not only that, they wanted stronger blastproof doors with more headroom than the present doors they were using. It also meant finding special translucent paneling and special windows with enough strength to withstand the blast load criteria. In short, they wanted heavier doors and bigger load requirement doors.
Schweiss one-piece hydraulic doors and bifold liftstrap doors have also gone on several military museums. These type museums showcase military planes with wide wingspans and they need big military museum doors to wheel them in and out. They too require a safe and sound door that seals weathertight and locks tight as a safe to protect the valuable planes and contents inside the building or hangar. Depending on the location of the hangar or building, in some cases windrated hurricane doors are in order to withstand severe winds. Schweiss hydraulic and bifold liftstrap doors have even been known to survive a tornado when the building around them blew away.
If you need a strong, reliable military style door, give Schweiss Doors a try and just like the military, you may be calling back for more. Repeat business is a big part of our success at Schweiss Doors.