Creative Schweiss team minds make amazing bifold doors - 29

Schweiss Bifold Doors manufactured two unique X-ray system lead-lined radiation shielded bifold doors for North Star Imaging, Inc. of Rogers, Minnesota. The two bifold doors weighed a total of 9,300 pounds. Schweiss provided a heftier framework and equipped each 40 ft. wide x 9 ft. tall door with seven patented liftstraps.

Five pairs of rustic looking bifold doors, each 18 ft. tall have a laser cut grid pattern that emits light through hundreds of holes in the steel cladding. When shut they secure the Brooklyn, New York shops behind them.

A totally new engineering design put together by Schweiss Doors created a sandblast chamber bifold door that served as a roof door for a millcraft company in Pennsylvania.

A Washington state resident wanted to park his motorhome at his new home, but was having problems meeting the zoning uniformity code ordinance which had restricted door height requirements. The resident and Schweiss Doors came up with a bifold door design that was accepted because it blended into the top part of his home giving the illusion that the door was half its actual size. When the door is closed you can’t even see the seam above the windows of this Schweiss designer style bifold door.