If it’s headroom you need, you need Schweiss Doors!
One of the most frequent inquiries Schweiss Doors receives has to do with the issue of headroom. Ample headroom is often an issue for farmers with tall machinery, industrial uses and truckers and pilots who require a tall door. While both styles of Schweiss doors, the hydraulic and bifold styles, give you the least amount of headroom loss in the industy, there is a slight difference between the two.
Schweiss Bifold Doors
The Schweiss Bifold Door is not only known for its popular patented liftstraps and autolatches, this door gives you no loss of headroom. Because all Schweiss doors are custom-made, each door is built to fit your clear opening without using up any existing headroom. There are no odd size doors. All Schweiss bifold doors are mounted above your clear opening in flush mount or face mount. Schweiss Doors custom builds each Bifold wedge so the customer doesn’t lose any headroom and offers a wedge that will allow you to keep your building structure a standard height. This saves you money! Schweiss Doors offers you the lowest headroom available on the market and gives you your full desired clear opening.
Schweiss Hydraulic Doors
If it’s a one-piece sturdy, quick and powerful opening door that’s on your wish list, the Schweiss Hydraulic Door will meet your needs, with minimal headroom loss. With a facemount hydraulic door there is no loss of headroom. This is because the hydraulic door swings up and away from the building. There is also no headroom lost inside the building. A flushmount hydraulic door only gives up 6” of headroom loss. A builder can easily work a Schweiss one-piece hydraulic door into a structure where headroom is an issue.

Schweiss has taken both of their style doors to a new level. With a Schweiss hydraulic or bifold door, you always get more. If it’s headroom you need, you need a Schweiss Door.
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