For Plane Lovers . . . (Part 2 of a 14 part series)
Schweiss Doors Help Dreams Come True
This pilot took the extra step to fulfill what many had dreamed of for years. He is just one of a few of Schweiss bifold and hydraulic door customers, and Schweiss Doors had a part in making his dream come true.
Born to fly, the rest is history. David Burroughs of El Paso, Illinois was born to fly; his new hangar with a Schweiss bifold door was just icing on the cake. His main business now after retirement is historical research, restoration and authentication consulting on aircraft and collectible automobiles.
One thing that immediately sets off the exterior of the Schweiss bifold hangar door is the window work. It was from the Golden Years of Aviation that Burroughs got the idea to copy the window configuration of hangars from that period. Eight 16-pane 4×4 windows add a touch of class to the door and allow a more than adequate amount of light into the hangar. The hangar itself is 52×54 ft. and capable of storing three aircraft. The Schweiss bifold liftstrap hangar door is 44 ft. x 14 ft.
“When anybody asks for a bifold door, it’s Schweiss who I call. It’s an excellent dependable door,” said Andersen.
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